2 x 10 Metal Wall Holder Only - Franklin Rubber Stamp & Seal, Inc.
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Product Details

2 x 10 Metal Wall Holder Only

2 x 10 Metal Wall Holder Only

2 x 10 Metal Wall Holder Only

Price:   $ 14.50
Web Discount:   $ 4.25
Online Price:   $ 10.25
Frame Color:
Name Plate Mount:
Mounting Options:

SKU(s): 2X10WH, 2X10WH


Black, gold or silver wall holders available

Black, gold or silver wall holders available
Adhesive tape is $0.15/linear inch.
2x8 = $2.40, 2x10 = $3.00
(2 strips on back of plate)
Magnetic tape is $0.25/linear inch.
2x8 = $4.00, 2x10 = $5.00
(1 strip on back of plate)